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For our Wellcare members, we provide transparent access to medical Clinical Policies which detail the services and procedures coded as medically necessary, cosmetic, or experimental.

Please note that the current policy list is not exhaustive, but rather a collection of policies that individuals have expressed an interest in viewing. Amendments, modifications, supplements to these posted policies and/or additional policies may be posted in the near future.

Wellcare shares information about services that require authorization. Clinical guidelines that Wellcare uses to determine the medical necessity of services that require authorization in our Medicare lines of business can be viewed below. If a policy does not exist on that page, additional guidelines can be accessed by members in the Member Portal and providers in the Provider Portal. New users who are current members and providers of Wellcare can request log-in credentials by clicking those links. 

Prospective members and providers who do not have the ability to create a portal account with Wellcare can also request access to specific guidelines by sending an email to, and include your name, and if you are a prospective member or provider. 

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Y0020_WCM_164006E_M Last Updated On: 10/1/2024